Sunday, November 18, 2012

Real People Deserve to Be Treated Real

I keep seeing this time and time again, and I need to bring it up.  Many different people meet on dating sites all the time.  I understand it is easy to feel you are not a real part of the lives of anyone you meet online.  After all, you don't even know if people are being real on these sites.  It is pretty normal to ignore the emails or messages of others if you are not interested.  People come and people go.

However, what I can't understand is why people treat those they've met in person the same way.  There have been several men I've dated a number of times, spent plenty of quality time with, talked on the phone, etc.  When they get bored or annoyed with me, instead of telling me like a mature adult they've lost interest, they instead just stop talking to me.  OK, that is not normal!

If you've been in someone's life for weeks or months, and been on several or more actual dates, you owe that person a phone call or at least an email stating you are no longer interested.  That is what adults do.  Just because you met online does not mean the relationship isn't "real" in some way.  Maybe you were not too serious with that person, but if you've stayed overnight, especially if it happened a number of times, be an adult.  You can explain that you've moved on, want to see other people, give the "it's not you, it's me" speech, etc.  That is what grown ups do!

I am tired of people having no etiquette whatsoever anymore.  If you have been dating someone, no matter how you met, you owe it to that person to break up with them.  Even if it is only an email... that is a lot better than never calling or talking to that person again.  I know it is hard to do, but that is real life... sometimes we have to do icky things.  It is called being an adult.  If you can't handle it, then don't date.  There are a lot of people out there that need some manners!

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