Sunday, June 17, 2012

Angry Dudes, There is a Reason Why You are Single

I am a little tired of the "poor me" trend on dating sites.  I am not sure what is going on with women and their profiles since I am not checking out that end of the dating sites, but I can say for sure men think they are being abused on dating sites.  Too many guys are just sitting around feeling sorry for themselves, posting weird pics, and creeping out women with inappropriate messages.  Of course, none of that is their fault; its the women of the world that have ruined their lives.

I keep seeing more and more guys write on pages, "looking for something real" or "not looking for someone fake."  Well, who is approaching you?  Robots?  What is going on with you?  Real guys approach me all day long on dating sites.  I talk to some and I ignore some.  I don't know why guys are taking these sites so seriously.

First of all, if you reject a guy in anyway now, you have be afraid he is going to send nasty messages to you until you block him.  It is terrible!  Just because I might not want to date a guy doesn't mean I am not "real."  It means I am honest.  If you are a dude that sends threatening or nasty messages to chicks online, I have two words for you: anger management.  Perhaps that is why you can't find a date.  Did you ever think it is not them, it is you?

Second, dating sites should be fun.  Guys with poor attitudes ruin it for the rest of us.  If some of you guys are wondering why there aren't more "quality women" online, perhaps it is because of jerks scaring them off.  No woman wants to receive vulgar messages cursing her or accusing her of things that are not true. 

Most of all, I can't figure out why guys think it is a good idea to be so rude or argue online.  You are not going to win your case.  I am going to block you or even turn you in to the site admins.  If you are a psycho, you shouldn't be dating anyone.  Seek help next time before you threaten a chick online, weirdo guys!  After all, once you insult me, I certainly do not want to go out with you.  How can you think threatening a person is a good idea?  Has being mean ever really made a woman want to date you?

Angry guys of the world, please do us all a favor and stay away from online dating sites.  Get some mental help before you approach anyone again.  Online dating is just like the real world.  Sometimes you get rejected. Life is full of disappointments.  I learned that by first grade.  It is a shame there are guys out there who never learned that lesson.  If a woman tries tells you no, it is nothing personal... it could be for any reason at all.  Calm down and move on to the next woman.  There are plenty of us out there.  Just don't yell at us for no reason!

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