Sunday, June 24, 2012

I Don't Want to Read a Script

OK, my online dating buddies out there, let me give you some advice... please don't send someone an email with a standard paragraph about yourself that you have not bothered to customize for the person you are approaching.  Let me explain exactly what I mean by this.

I've had some guys that copy and paste what is obviously their standard email when they message me.  How do I know this?  Because I don't respond to what looks like a standard script sent to every woman online, yet, I don't delete them either.  Literally, some guys approach me once a week with the EXACT same paragraph.  Nothing has changed to let me know the guy actually read my profile at all.  It is actually funny... and sad at the same time.

My advice to you copy and pasters out there would be to STOP copying and pasting, or at least change some details each time.  We actually notice this type of thing.  I am not going respond to anyone that seems desperate and is just copying and pasting text for every female he sees online.  Please at least indicate one small detail like, "Hey, I like your glasses in your 3rd pic," or "I like Kings of Leon, too."  That way, I at least know you took the time to read my profile.

I am bewildered by the fact that this seems like hard work or an impossible mission for some of you online daters.  It takes minutes to type a few sentences.  I just started writing this post about 5 minutes ago, and just look at what I have achieved!  Taking a few extra moments to personalize your message will go a long way.  If you don't have the time to send a personalized message, my guess would be you don't have time to date either.  Give that one a little thought before you send me some boring, standard email 4weeks in a row, dudes!  Thanks!

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