Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Walk Out

I recently had a totally new experience occur in my online dating life.  I had a guy actually walk out on me during a date.

Now, I know what everyone is thinking... what did she do?  I swear, I did not do anything.  I know I can sometimes be too opinionated, but this time, I really was on my best behavior.  Furthermore, we had only met 30 minutes before he walked out, so he did not even give me a chance.

Basically, we were sitting there drinking coffee and it was like pulling teeth trying to get a conversation out of him.  He kept texting the whole time, which was super annoying.  All of a sudden, he says he has a call.  He walked away and simply never came back.

I know he could have possibly had an emergency come up, but all he needed to do was pop back around the corner and say, "I am sorry.  I have an emergency."  Even if I really don't believe he had anything come up since he'd been texting the whole time, that is still the polite way to walk out on a date.

If this had happened to me months ago when my dating adventures began, I would have probably stopped online dating altogether.  It would have been a shock and I would have blamed myself.  However, I've had numerous positive dating experiences and I know it wasn't me.  That dude was just a rude creep.

So if any of you reading this have a similar experience, it is not you and don't give up.  However, if you have this happen to you all the time, you might want to consider if it is something you are saying or doing.  There are a lot of creeps out there, but most people aren't that impolite. 

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